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Advanced Diploma in Transpersonal Hypnotherapy

A specialist distance learning course for experienced and spiritually aware hypnotherapists.

Total recommended period of study: approx. 6 to 12 months or less.

Continuous enrolment. Enrol at any time of year.
Time limit for course completion: 12 months.

Course fee  £265.00  Textbooks are not included in the tuition fees.

Method of study 

Distance learning: Textbook study. This major course will require 9 textbooks, though many hypnotherapists will have some of them already. Students will normally buy their books from on-line bookstores.

Written assignments based on textbooks and exercises. Assignment questions are in our PDF course manual and students return their written work by email. Grades and feedback are issued by email. Students may incorporate techniques learned into their private practice and the final unit will involve presentation of case studies.

Course overview

Spiritual and Transpersonal Hypnotherapy recognise that the use of altered states of consciousness to access other realities has a long history. This history is swept under the carpet by those who insist that hypnotherapy must be a medical or psychological specialism and those who insist on “evidence-based” approaches to hypnotherapy.  Such mainstream approaches are valuable when providing treatment for issues such as stress, smoking cessation, psychosomatic conditions and to aid recovery from physical illness in conjunction with conventional medical care.

However, looking at the human being from a holistic perspective, we are not just mind and body but also spirit. “Spirit” means different things to different people but general consensus points to a connection with something beyond the individual, present-mind ego identity. This connection can go inwards – to meditative states, and states in which we access experiences of previous lives or other dimensions – or outwards, to feeling a connection with humanity as a whole, with nature, with the world of animals, with the universe, or with God.  We can also add spiritual or psychic encounters with departed loved ones, and encounters with beings perceived as angels, spirit guides, or other-worldly presences.  Another meaning of “spirit” is that we are part of and surrounded by a network of energy fields which science cannot reliably measure – traditionally referred to as non-physical “bodies”
of different levels, and that according to that view, our consciousness and our emotions are partly located in those fields.

Spiritual hypnotherapy is thus the use of hypnosis to help access to a portion of this wide range of beyond-the-present-ego experiences and beyond-the-physical energies.

Such experiences can be extremely significant and meaningful, and in some cases they can bring about some form of healing, though this cannot be guaranteed. But those experiences do not fit into a conventional medical model of hypnotherapy.

People will argue about the “truth” of inner experiences.  There are no definite answers and each person – therapist or client – must make up his/her own mind about what these human experiences mean and how “real” they are. Some of them may be archetypal – that means, rooted in ancient patterns and myths that are part of universal human consciousness at a deep level and which can express themselves through personalised experiences such as a past life regression.

Some of these experiences may be metaphoric, in other words, healing stories that contain symbols of the present-life problems, so that a resolution can be found using the subconscious mind
’s dream-like thinking instead of the conscious mind’s thinking patterns. From this point of view, the client is his/her own spontaneous metaphor therapist. Some experiences may reflect the reality of other dimensions and planes and the progression of the soul.

Increasingly, the interest in experiences suggesting reincarnation, life after death and contact with other-worldly beings has moved from spiritualists and psychics to open-minded doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists and other helping professionals or academics who have written many books about evidence for survival after death, reincarnation, near-death experiences, and so on including fascinating case histories. These professionals have bravely broken unspoken taboos by being open about these accounts.

Also, a new paradigm has emerged within the field of bereavement counselling – instead of encounters with deceased relatives being viewed as hallucinations (a view stemming from Freud) – some more enlightened bereavement experts have said that encounters with departed loved ones are natural and are not to be discouraged.  Instead of telling people to withdraw emotional investment in the relationship with the departed, one modern view is that it is helpful and even healing to integrate their presence into our lives including the times when we see or feel their spirits and even talk to them.

Spiritual or transpersonal hypnotherapy can include:

Past life regression therapy

Future life progression

Meditative states and states of higher consciousness

Experiences of being between lives

Encounters with spirits and other beings

Releasing any unwanted spirit attachments or influences

Helping the client build his/her own model of spiritual realities

Helping the client to active self-healing

Retrieving lost soul energy

Contacting and integration of hidden parts of the self

Manipulating energy states through symbol, metaphor and ritual to block unwanted influences and create a sacred space in which healing can take place (otherwise known as “psychic protection”)

The student will learn many tools and techniques for spiritual enhancement of sessions and to work in a holistic, multi-dimensional way with clients.

These subjects are often not covered extensively in hypnotherapy training courses, and sometimes offered in quick one-weekend courses that purport to make you into a competent past life regression therapist.  Such brief coverage cannot teach you the full complexity of this type of work.  If you are a practitioner fascinated by the possibilities of spiritual hypnotherapy and would like to learn about it in depth, or to upgrade your previous training in the subject and find out how much more there is to know, this course is for you.

No previous knowledge of these topics is necessary as the concepts that you will need will be explained in the textbooks as part of the relevant modules.

We recommend that every hypnotherapist has some acquaintance with these therapy techniques, because spontaneous past life regressions and spiritual experiences can occur in any session – whether you believe in them or not – and it can be extremely disconcerting or even traumatizing for the client if you cannot handle them or if you react in an insensitive and rejecting way.  Eventually you will have a client with a spontaneous anomalous experience of the types covered in this course.

These techniques can be very powerful whether or not the therapist – or the client – believes that the experiences are “real” (whatever that means).


Module 1: Transpersonal and Archetypal Hypnotherapy

Module 2: Hypnotic Facilitation of Spirit Guide Contact

Module 3: Modern Techniques of Past Life Regression Therapy

Module 4: Modern Psychic Self Defence

Module 5: Healing at the Soul Level

Module 6: Therapy for Spirit Attachments

Module 7: Neo-Ericksonian Approaches to Cosmic Consciousness

Module 8: Varieties of Spiritual Hypnosis

Module 9: The Soul-Centred Story: Channelling and Transpersonal Hypnosis

Module 10: Presentation of Case Studies

This syllabus may change at any time.

Entry criteria and suitability 

Applicants must normally be qualified and experienced hypnotherapists and members of a professional hypnotherapy association. If you do not meet this requirement and are interested you are invited to contact us with details of your background for advice.


Successful graduates will receive the Advanced Diploma in Transpersonal Hypnotherapy awarded by UK College of Holistic Training which is a private UK qualification. Course graduates may use the postnominal designation Adv. Dip. Trans. Hyp. The course is accredited by ACCPH
and IGCT.

We reserve the right to change the syllabus and other details of any course at any time.

Course textbooks for Advanced Diploma in Transpersonal Hypnotherapy*

Elias, Jack. Finding True Magic: A Radical Synthesis of Eastern and Western Perspectives and Techniques. Seattle, WA; Five Wisdoms Publications, Second Edition, 2005/6.

Goldberg, Bruce. Spirit Guide Contact Through Hypnosis. Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA; New Page Books, 2005.

Tomlinson, Andy.  Healing the Eternal Soul.  See Amazon for available editions.

Goldberg, Bruce.  Protected by the Light.  See Amazon for available editions.

Goldberg, Bruce. Soul Healing. See Amazon for available editions.

Ireland-Frey, Louise.  Freeing the Captives: The Emerging Therapy of Treating Spirit Attachment.  Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc., 1999.

Havens, Ronald A.  Self Hypnosis for Cosmic Consciousness.  Bancyfelin, Carmarthen, Wales, UK: Crown House Publishing Ltd., 2007.

Hunter, Roy (ed.) The Art of Spiritual Hypnosis. Blooming Twig Books, 2016.

Zinser, Thomas. Soul-Centered Healing. Union Street Press, 2010.

* Please await the course manual - issued after enrolment - before buying books, in case of any changes in syllabus or book availability. We do our best to keep this page up to date but sometimes we have to make a change at short notice.


You may start at any time of year
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