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Professional Diploma in Spirit Attachment and Release Work
A specialist course for experienced hypnotherapists, other therapists and psychic intuitives/ healers
Total recommended period of study: approx. 3 to 6 months.
Continuous enrolment. Enrol any time of year.
Time limit for course completion 12 months.
Cost: £265.00
(Textbooks extra - Six textbooks are required which the student will be expected to buy, normally from Internet bookstores. Further recommended reading is suggested.)
Method of study:
Textbook study - distance learning. Written assignments based on textbook study and exercises. Assignment questions are provided in the PDF course manual and students return their written work by email. Grades and feedback are issued by email. Students normally buy books from on-line bookstores.
Course description and syllabus
A spiritual and multi-dimensional view of the psyche is being accepted by an increasing number of lay therapists, psychologists and medical doctors, aided by evidence suggesting afterlife survival and case experiences that do not fit traditional psychological models. Such a view includes the assumption that consciousness survives death, and that the spirits of deceased persons may sometimes influence our behaviour or our subtle energy fields with varying effects. This course covers the theory of spirit existence and how it is possible to work with clients in altered states of consciousness to identify unwanted influences and then to communicate with the source of the problem and to peacefully facilitate the “release” of the encountered spirit. This work is a specialised type of spiritual counselling in which the welfare of both the client and any co-existing spiritual consciousness is taken into consideration. The course also covers the positive benefits of spirit contact.
Hypnotherapy, Reiki, Energy EFT, Past Life Regression Therapy, and other complementary therapies have developed their own specialist approaches towards problems concerning possible spirits.
The aims of the diploma are:
To enable the practitioner to relate his/her practice to relevant theory and the work of contemporary experts in spirit release.
To enable the practitioner to acquire knowledge of additional techniques and diagnostic methods for release work (the word “diagnostic” is used here in a spiritual and not a medical sense).
To educate the practitioner about the need for and methods of psychic protection and grounding, both for the practitioner and the client.
To inform the practitioner about the various possible explanations of apparent spirit attachment.
To help the practitioner develop a model of transpersonal consciousness that will inform his/her work.
To appreciate that contact with the spirit world can be a beneficial, helping and comforting influence and is part of natural human experience rather than something abnormal that is to be feared.
To encourage the practitioner to use conscious or subconscious dialogue to discern between various attachment and pseudo-attachment scenarios so as to deliver appropriate techniques.
To acquaint the practitioner with current literature and sources and encourage him/her to build up a professional library pertaining to spirit release and relevant spiritual topics for professional development purposes.
This course is suitable both for people who are psychic and those who are not. It does not aim to develop any psychic or intuitive powers, though it is possible that your intuitive sensitivity could be increased by using some of the methods given. Although psychic perception is possible, the prevalent attitude of the course is that the client him/herself can, usually under hypnosis but not always, sense the presence of any influencing entity (whether beneficial or not), and that the helper is a facilitator who can encourage the client’s perceptions, and then establish communication with the entity in order to discover its purpose and/or to guide it away from the client if necessary.
During such phases of a session, the helper acts as a facilitator to the entity as well as having a responsibility to the client. This helping art has nothing to do with “exorcism.” (The word “entity” is used here instead of “spirit” simply because it does not assume exactly what type of energy or personality is manifesting. Sometimes that will be obvious, and sometimes not so – for example the entity could be a spirit or a subpersonality of the client.)
The units will each be examined by answering a series of fairly short written questions on each unit (length of each question typically 250 to 500 words). There will then be two final essays (minimum 1,500 words each), one on a theoretical or metaphysical question, and the second based upon case studies of spirit release or associated phenomena from your practice.
Entry criteria and suitability
Entry to this course is restricted to qualified hypnotherapists or psychotherapists and to experienced psychics who are acquainted with the field of spirit release but who do not have a specific qualification in this area. References and/or an interview by telephone may be required if we are not familiar with your professional credentials.
The diploma is mainly for people who are qualified in a relevant therapy such as hypnotherapy, counselling, psychotherapy, NLP, EFT, Energy EFT or past life regression, and who already have some knowledge and experience of spirit release or rescue work, whether one-to-one or in a group.
Practitioners of psychic counselling or mediumship who work in the spirit release field will also be considered. For example, many people volunteer in “spirit rescue circles” without any knowledge of the techniques that have been developed by hypnotherapists and other therapists in this area. Knowledge of such methodology can help greatly in the counselling/healing phases of release work.
Successful graduates will receive the Professional Diploma in Spirit Attachment and Invasive Energy Release Work awarded by UK College of Holistic Training which is a private UK qualification. Course graduates may use the postnominal initials Dip. Att. S.W.
We reserve the right to change the syllabus and other details of any course at any time. If any key textbook becomes unobtainable we will provide a substitute module based on another book. We may also substitute a more recent text if its content is more useful. Your final syllabus will be confirmed on enrolment.
(Course fee excludes cost of books)
Goldberg, Bruce. Spirit Guide Contact Through Hypnosis. Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA; New Page Books, 2005.
Fiore, Dr Edith. The Unquiet Dead: A Psychologist Treats Spirit Possession. New York, Ballantine Books, 1987.
Ireland-Frey, Louise. Freeing the Captives: The Emerging Therapy of Treating Spirit Attachment. Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc., 1999.
Allen, Sue. Spirit Release: A Practical Handbook. Winchester, UK and Washington, USA: O Books, 2007
Baldwin, William J. Healing Lost Souls: Releasing Unwanted Spirits from Your Energy Body. Hampton Roads, 2003.
Zinser, Thomas. Soul-Centered Healing. Union Street Press, 2010.
Additional recommended reading (not required and not examined):
Martin, Joel. Love Beyond Life: The Healing Power of After-Death Communications. Dell Publishing Company; Reprint edition, 1998.
Modi, Shakuntala. Remarkable Healings: A Psychiatrist Discovers Unsuspected Roots of Mental and Physical Illness. Hampton Road, 1997.
Hill, Gary Leon. People Who Don't Know They're Dead. Weiser Books, 2005.
Botkin, Allan L. Induced After Death Communication. Hampton Roads, 2005.
You may start at any time of year
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