Photo of pink water lily on black and white leaves (courtesy Pixabay)
Distance learning for personal & professional development
A sun behind red clouds surrounded by a golden ring
The UKCHT mascot. An owl wearing mortar board and red gown and carrying a green book

Please note revised course completion deadline for all students

The UKCHT Principal, Morris Berg, has reached the age of 71 and intends to retire next year to devote his time to writing and other projects. The College is not in a viable state to hand over to new ownership and therefore it is regretted that it will close.
We cannot accept enquiries to purchase the UKCHT name, website or intellectual property.
Since the pandemic the College has not been profitable, and various other factors have led to decreased enrolments including Brexit, international purchase tax and VAT complications, and the proliferation of very low-cost online courses against which it is impossible for us to compete.
Because of the lack of funding, development of new courses has stalled even though we had some wonderful courses in the pipeline. Also, the cost of various textbooks has increased substantially making some of them unaffordable.
What happens now?
For some time we have been asking students to complete their courses within 12 months. Due to changed circumstances we now have to ask all current students to submit their work by
30 April 2025. Anyone who feels unable to do so should contact us immediately to discuss how we can help.
We are confident that the average student should be able to complete their course within 6 months. However, students whose standard of assignments has been acceptable may be offered an extension with the eventual qualification back-dated to 30 April 2025, provided they can complete quickly.
We remind readers that our terms and conditions state that we may change details of any course at any time. This includes the course duration.
What if you would like to enrol for another course now?
We can accept enrolments for some of our courses provided you finish by
30 April 2025. Not all courses will be available, as some are being withdrawn. Please contact us to discuss further, stating which specific course you are interested in. You must be a UK resident.
Changes in contact details and other matters
After the time of closure our website, social media pages, our Mailchimp email list, and email addresses may cease operation at any time. Therefore if you are likely to remain a student beyond the deadline, please ask us now for an alternative contact email address to which you can send assignments.
References and confirmation of study for graduates of our courses cannot be supplied after
30 April 2025. Please ensure that you keep your certificates safely.
In the meantime our email address remains at
Have you already completed your course or contacted us about resuming your studies?
If you have completed your studies, or have recently been in touch with us, please ignore this email as you do not need to do anything further.
We thank you for your support and hope that you have enjoyed your studies with us.

UK College of Holistic Training, 3 Bedfield House, WINCHESTER, Hampshire, SO23 7JH, U.K. 
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