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Diploma in Neuroscience and Mental Health
for Counsellors, Hypnotherapists, Mental Health Workers, and Complementary Therapists

Distance learning. Recommended study period: 3 months or less.

Enrol any time. Time limit for course completion 12 months.

Entry criteria: open entry.

Cost : £225.00 (including free textbook for UK students.)

Method of study: 

Textbook study. Written assignments based on the set textbook. Assignment questions are provided in our PDF course manual and students return their written work by email. Grades and feedback are normally issued by email.

Course description

Most counsellors, psychotherapists and complementary therapists have not had an opportunity to study neuroscience, the science of how the brain and nervous system work. More and more research is showing that neuroscience can inform the ways we understand learning, memory, emotion, behaviour and various dysfunctions and mental health problems. In turn, this has implications for counselling and other mental health and emotional well-being interventions.

The key text presents an accessible overview of recent trends in research and how what scientists know about the brain and the nervous system suggests guidelines for therapy and health. Topics featured include relationships, social engagement, emotions, stress, anxiety, depression, trauma and the mind-body connection.

The course remains a single-book course, and it is tightly packed with information. However, the course manual strongly recommends additional texts that will expand your understanding and (in the case of Polyvagal Theory), the techniques at your disposal.  Links to various Internet sources are also given.


This course will be of interest to counsellors, hypnotherapists, psychotherapists, complementary practitioners, volunteers and others involved with mental health. You will enjoy a new level of understanding. If you are a therapy tutor/trainer, this course will give you the knowledge to incorporate an introduction to neuroscience in your syllabus.

The course will also interest students who are hoping to apply to university to study nursing, medicine, psychology, neuroscience, etc.


Successful graduates will receive the Diploma in Neuroscience and Mental Health awarded by UK College of Holistic Training.

Course approved for professional development purposes by ACCPH
Accredited by IGCT

We reserve the right to change the syllabus and other details of any course at any time.

Course textbook:

Afford, Peter. Therapy in the Age of Neuroscience: A Guide for Counsellors and Therapists. Routledge, 2020.

UK students will receive a free copy of this textbook.


You may start at any time of year
Click this link to go to our Application page


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