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Modern Energy for Healthcare Professionals


In association with the Guild of Energists, we are pleased to bring you the opportunity to join this new on-line course featuring Modern Energy Tapping (a development of Emotional Freedom Techniques) and other energy techniques, designed for healthcare professionals or those who are considering or working in a caring role. It is also an ideal introduction to the various complete practitioner trainings available from the Guild of Energists.




This course has been developed by Silvia Hartmann, the creator of Modern Energy, to teach healthcare professionals how to help their clients with Modern Energy techniques including Star Matrix, Modern Energy Tapping, SuperMind, Modern Stress Management and Energy-in-Motion.

Modern Energy is a reasonable, rational, and logical system of working with energy and emotions.


This course, leading to a certificate, is completely online and may be joined at any time.


Please use the following link to access full details and fee information at the GOE website:

Link to Modern Energy for Healthcare Professionals course


Please use the above link and not the UKCHT email or tel. no. All applications must be made direct to the GOE and not through UKCHT. Thank you.


Morris Berg, Principal of UKCHT, is a Professional Member of the Guild of Energists and holds the following GOE certifications: Modern Energy Tapping Professional, Energy EFT Master Practitioner, EMO Master Practitioner, and other specialist GOE certifications. Morris Berg/UKCHT will receive an affiliate remuneration for any enrolments for the Modern Energy for Healthcare Professionals course made via this website.







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