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Diploma in Energy Healing Science (revised version)


Total recommended period of study:  3 - 4 months or less.

Continuous enrolment.


Time limit for course completion 12 months.


Cost: £215.00 


A FREE textbook  will be included for students residing in the UK. Students outside the UK will need to order the book from Amazon or another supplier.


Method of study: Distance Learning (Textbook study). Written assignments based on textbooks and exercises. Assignment questions are in our PDF course manual and students return their written work by email. Grades and feedback are issued by email.


Course overview


This is the course that provides information missing from many practitioner trainings. Gain more confidence in your chosen therapies by deepening your understanding. This diploma course provides a solid grounding in the scientific concepts and research underlying various complementary medical approaches and subtle-energy therapies. The course may be used as a professional development course for those who practice complementary medicine and who would like to know more about its underlying theory and relationship to other complementary fields. The course may also be taken by those contemplating training in complementary therapies, especially "energy therapies" to deepen their understanding.


This theory-only course is not in itself a qualification in any particular therapy. 

Topics covered include:


  • What is energy medicine?
  • Fundamentals of physics and biophysics: electricity, magnetism, electromagnetism, resonance
  • History of energy medicine
  • Electrobiology/ Electrophysiology
  • Energy approaches in diagnosis and therapies
  • Fields of Life
  • The body’s energy circuits
  • What is the living matrix?
  • Energy connections in the subconscious and intuition
  • Life’s energetic blueprint
  • Acupuncture and related meridian therapies
  • Rhythmic entrainment
  • Electromagnetism and our environment
  • How energy medicine can help in our everyday life


Please note that this course seeks to provide scientific information and does not cover spiritually-based or metaphysical information and ideas such as esoteric anatomy, spirit/etheric bodies, contact with spirit guides and spirit healers, non-physical beings and entities, ascension, alleged multi-strand “spiritual DNA”, use of Reiki-like symbols and energy activations, and so on. Much of that information is based on concepts of energies or entities that science is unable to detect or explain. However, one of the final essay choices allows students to discuss their use of a spiritually-based practice if they have a relevant skill.


Entry criteria and suitability 


A strong interest in healing and/or complementary therapies is expected. Also since the course gives detailed explanations of relevant physics and biology, previous knowledge of those subjects will be a distinct advantage. However, the student will not be expected to use mathematics, diagrams or formulae in order to answer the assignment questions.

We also expect the student to have excellent academic English comprehension and writing skills and to be able to work with a university-level textbook.


This course can be taken as a preparation for a practitioner course or as a supplement to one.


If you are not sure that you are suitable, please contact us with full details of your education and qualifications. (Please use full names of schools, qualifications etc., not abbreviations as we might not recognize all of them.) There is no need to send us copies of your certificates. We reserve the right to set a short essay as an admissions test, as it would not be fair to you for us to admit you if we think you would have considerable difficulty with the course.



Successful graduates will receive the Diploma in Energy Healing Science awarded by UK College of Holistic Training which is a private UK qualification. Course graduates may use the postnominal designation Dip. E.H.Sc.


Please note that this is a theory course only and it does not lead to a qualification to practise any form of complementary medicine. However a mention of the qualification could enhance your professional profile.


We reserve the right to change the syllabus and other details of any course at any time.


Course textbook:


Oschman, James L. Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis. Second Edition. Elsevier, 2016.


Non-UK residents will be expected to buy their own copy of this book. We do not normally sell books and we suggest that non-UK students purchase from  or another Internet bookstore if they cannot buy the book locally.

The textbook of approx. 360 pages is printed in very small print so might be hard to read for those with eyesight problems. A Kindle edition is available but we have not seen it so cannot advise on its readability. If you wish to buy the Kindle edition you need to do so direct from Amazon as we cannot sell or provide it. If you have, or wish to get, the Kindle edition please contact us before paying for the course as we can reduce the fee for UK students since we will not send you the hard copy.  We cannot offer any reduction for non-UK students and we cannot offer any reduction if you buy the Kindle version after paying the full fee for the course.

A bibliography of further reading is provided in the course manual as well as web links for further study.


APPLY FOR THIS COURSE  (When applying, tell us if you would like to get the Kindle version of the book so that we can charge the correct tuition fee)


You may start at any time of year

Click this link to go to our Application page







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