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Certificate in Dissociative Disorders Awareness

Certificate in Dissociative Disorders Awareness distance learning course. 

If you are a qualified therapist or health professional this course will lead to the Certificate of Professional Development in Dissociative Disorders Awareness - P.D. Cert. (D.D.A.)

Total recommended period of study: approx. 4 months or less.

Continuous enrolment. Time limit for course completion 12 months. Cost: £175.00 

A FREE textbook will be sent to UK students.

Including information for therapists and helpers on Dissociative Identity Disorder (formerly called Multiple Personality Disorder)

Method of study: 

Textbook study - distance learning. Written assignments based on the set textbook. Assignment questions are included in our PDF course manual and students return their written work by email. Grades and feedback are issued by email.

Course description:

Dissociative disorders can be hard to diagnose and hard to understand. This group of disorders includes the syndrome that used to be known as “Multiple Personality Disorder”.  The course uses a text written by a medical doctor which introduces the concepts of dissociative disorders to other helping professionals in an accessible way.

Guidelines for available treatment strategies are noted and hypnotherapy is a feature of possible approaches. 

Typical presenting syndromes are outlined so that doctors and other helping professionals can be alert to the possibility of dissociative disorder. 

The role of dissociative disorders in post-traumatic stress, body-image problems, eating disorders, sleep disorders and sexual disorders is presented. 

There is also material on family relationships where a family member is dissociative.  

Entry Criteria: Open entry.  Suitability: This course will be of interest to counsellors, hypnotherapists and psychotherapists as well as all those who care for or come into contact with people with dissociative disorders.


Successful graduates will receive the Certificate in Dissociative Disorders Awareness. If you are a qualified therapist or health professional this course will lead to the Certificate of Professional Development in Dissociative Disorders Awareness - P.D. Cert. (D.D.A.)  These are awarded by UK College of Holistic Training and are private UK qualifications.

This course is NOT in itself a qualification in counselling or psychotherapy, though it may be used in conjunction with such qualifications to signify additional specialist learning. Please note also that this course does not enable you to diagnose dissociative disorder, which can only be done by a psychiatrist. However if you suspect that a client has the condition you can advise them to consult their doctor to arrange a psychiatric evaluation. If you are a hypnotherapist it is recommended that you obtain a doctor's or psychiatrist's letter of referral.

The course is accredited for professional development by ACCPH.

We reserve the right to change the syllabus and other details of any course at any time.

You may start at any time of year

Click this link to go to our Application page

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