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Diploma in Sexology

Distance Learning Course

Total recommended period of study: approx. 9 to 12 months.

Continuous enrolment. Time limit for completion 12 months.

Cost £ 350.00 for self-funding students
Corporate/institutional delegates £ 500 (strictly payment in advance).
Transcript fees (if required) £25 extra payable at enrolment.

Purchase of one PDF textbook is required - cost approx US $ 49.95. Student to purchase book direct from US publisher by PayPal or credit card. All other study materials supplied with the course.

PROSPECTUS AVAILABLE - see link below at the foot of this page. If you already have an old prospectus please download the new 2023 edition. The prospectus contains a list of the course units with brief descriptions.

What is sexology?

Sexology is the academic study of sexuality. It is a discipline that draws from many areas, e.g. psychology, anthropology, social history, social studies, comparative religion, anatomy/physiology, and medical sciences.

How does the course work?

Our Diploma is Sexology is a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary distance learning course with a guideline study time of 9 to 12 months based upon at least 5 hours’ study per week.  It requires a single university-level illustrated textbook of approx. 900 pages, authored by a professor at an American university, that can be downloaded or read online.

The textbook contains links to various external sources.

We are also providing each student with a set of 15 exclusive comprehensive study guides to accompany you through the course. These are PDF publications and are only available to registered UKCHT students upon confirmation of your textbook purchase.

We provide a comprehensive exclusive PDF course manual that contains all the assessment questions and extra links and supplements.

There are 15 modules and each is assessed by a series of short questions. There are typically 6 questions per module with suggested answer lengths ranging from 100 to 500 words depending on the topic being covered.  Once each module is completed, the coursework is emailed to the tutor and feedback is given by email. There is no final examination.

Bonus supplements will be provided on the following areas (not officially part of the course and not examined): (1) Career information (2) Counselling and Psychotherapy (3) Judaism and Sexuality (4) Autism and Sexuality (5) Miscellaneous articles and reports (6) Sex and Spirituality (7) Book recommendations (8) Sex Toys - a Note for Consumers (9) COVID resources. These supplements contain book lists and/or links to articles or other information. 

The course length is estimated at 150 hours of study though individual study times will vary considerably depending on level of previous education and knowledge, study skills, comprehension, English language competence, etc.


This course is now enrolling. Enrolment and start of study may take place all year round. Students should apply when they are ready to pay the tuition fee and start the course.  If payment is made promptly and an electronic version of the textbook is ordered, students should be able to commence study within two working days.

Entry requirements

Applications are open to any adult working in a relevant profession, whether as a career or as a voluntary worker (including retired professionals). Relevant professions may include: counsellor, psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, life coach, psychologist, psychiatrist, medical professional, teacher/lecturer, RSE/ PSHE teacher, educator, law enforcement or legal professional, pastoral counsellor, social worker, advice worker, support group worker, researcher, sex therapist. University students may also apply to take this course as an extracurricular programme (however university credit is not available for this course.)

Applications from students not meeting the above guidelines but with an interest in the course will be considered on their merits. UKCHT reserves the right to reject any application without giving a reason.


A transcript is a document that shows each course unit and the grade you have obtained, plus your final overall class of Diploma e.g. Merit or Distinction. This will help you show prospective employers, university admissions tutors etc., what the course contained and your academic performance. The transcript costs £ 25 payable at enrolment. Fees for multiple copies to be issued at graduation available on request at the time of order. Transcripts are printed and posted in hard copy form - PDF copies are not available at this time.

Please note that we do NOT post transcripts directly to universities etc. under seal. We only send transcripts to graduates of the course.


International Guild of Complementary Therapists

IMPORTANT NOTE: This course is not a practitioner qualification but a professional development course. It does not qualify you to practise any form of counselling or therapy. Having this qualification will indicate that you have specialist knowledge to augment your core qualification(s). It may also assist you in seeking admission to a professional accredited training in a relevant area of counselling or therapy, by demonstrating appropriate knowledge and study skills. Details of suggested accredited further training routes in the UK will be provided.

We reserve the right to change the syllabus and other details of any course at any time.

Course textbook:

Textbook details will be issued to enrolled students. You will need to order a PDF textbook from the US publishers and pay by PayPal or credit card. The book is not available from online bookstores. See prospectus for further information.

Get prospectus:   Click this link to download the Diploma in Sexology prospectus

You may start at any time of year

Click this link to go to our Application page

UK College of Holistic Training, 3 Bedfield House, WINCHESTER, Hampshire, SO23 7JH, U.K. 
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