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Certificate in Anorexia and Bulimia Awareness

Total recommended period of study: approx. 4 months or less. Cost: £175.00 
Continuous enrolment. Time limit for completion 12 months.

If you are a qualified therapist or health professional this course will lead to the Certificate of Professional Development in Eating Disorders - P.D. Cert. (Eating Disorders). Students taking the course for personal or other interest will receive the Certificate in Anorexia and Bulimia Awareness.

An eating disorders awareness course for professionals or personal interest.

The belief that being abnormally thin is the ideal shape, fostered for too long by Hollywood, television, the fashion industries, social media and the glossy magazines, is being challenged as more people realise the injury it has done to vulnerable bodies and minds. This course will help to undo that damage.

Method of study: 

Textbook study - distance learning. Written assignments based on the set textbook. Assignment questions are in our PDF course manual and students return their written work by email. Results and feedback are issued by email.

Course description:

This course provides an overview of previous physiological and psychological theories of eating disorders - specifically anorexia and bulimia.

The course introduces an important theory which unites the roles of body and mind in the maintenance and progression of these illnesses. 

This approach, firmly based in over 15 years’ research by the textbook’s authors, leads to criticism of some previous practices and to many detailed pointers to good practice for the helping professional who has eating-disordered clients. 

This course is NOT in itself a qualification in counselling or psychotherapy, though it may be used in conjunction with such qualifications to signify additional specialist learning. 

Entry Criteria:  Open entry.

Suitability:       This certificate is for:

Carers, parents, relatives and people with eating disorders who would like to understand more about these conditions

Helping professionals, hypnotherapists, social workers, teachers, volunteers and others who come into contact with people with eating disorders, enabling them to recognise potential problems and refer people to sources of professional help

People who are considering specialist training in this area

Practicing complementary therapists who would like an additional certificate for professional development purposes, to add to their knowledge and to display alongside their other credentials, and to use for evidence of CPD wherever accepted.

People in the fashion, advertising, media and entertainment industries who would like to be more aware of the problems of people who deliberately keep themselves thin, and to work towards changing attitudes within those industries.


Successful graduates will receive the Certificate in Anorexia & Bulimia Awareness. If you are a qualified therapist or health professional this course will lead to the Certificate of Professional Development in Eating Disorders - P.D. Cert. (Eating Disorders)  These are awarded by UK College of Holistic Training and are private UK qualifications.

The course is accredited by ACCPH.  Please see our FAQs page for general information.

We reserve the right to change the syllabus and other details of any course at any time.

Textbook for this course:

  Duker, Marylin and Slade, Roger. Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia: How to Help. Paperback, Open University Press,  
  2nd edition, 2002 (This book has stood the test of time and is still widely used and in print).

  This book will be sent FREE to UK students.

You may start at any time of year
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